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Sara A. Straw
Helena, Montana
Hello and Welcome♥
Thank you for visiting my page and taking the time to allow me to introduce myself :)
My name is Sara Straw and I and was born and raised in Helena, Montana where I currently reside - I love Montana and am very grateful to live in this incredibly special place.
I have been on a spiritual path for the majority of my life - always searching for answers and more ways to understand this multidimensional reality that we are a part of on this planet. I have learned that our souls come here to the Earth to grow and expand - and to evolve our consciousness.
In 1996 I experienced an incredible intense "awakening" through a powerful and amazing spiritually transformative experience.
My consciousness spontaneously projected out of my physical body - up into a higher dimensional plane of existence. My soul was extending up into the Universe through my own rainbow-pyramid light body and connecting directly Divine Source Creator!!!
The experience was complete and total bliss activation - love, light, high-frequency energies flowing through me and through every molecule of every single atom in existence - all as one.
- Oneness.
I received a massive download of information right then - knowing on the deepest levels that each soul has a unique and special purpose in the Universe and that everything we experience is for a reason. I also understood that life would never be the same again because I finally realized that we are all Infinite Spiritual Beings having temporary human experiences!
If you have been on a spiritual path and are looking for an opportunity to heal yourself through Quantum Healing or Theta Healing - and you feel as though we may be a good energetic match - please message me and we can set up a zoom meeting to chat before deciding if you would like to have a session with me.
- Thank you, again - and be blessed!
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